The single malt’s finished

In these times of austerity, it was not welcome news to reach the end of the single malt whisky I had bought for the recent Yuletide (Christmas to those not familiar with pre-Christian history in the British Isles – and some of those who are unfamiliar are…er…British!). The coalition government are cutting back on everything as it is. Well, apart from those things I’d like to see them cut back on. I know that it is all a coincidence, but this Bank Holiday weekend is even one hour short because of the clocks going forward to herald in British summer time. …

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March – always the lousiest month of the year for me.

Well, I say March always the lousiest month of the year for me – but I cannot remember much about when I was eight months old so I could be wrong…

As readers of this blog will know, and also my internet stalkers in general will know, in recent years March has seemed to coincide with low points in my life. Tuesday is the fourth anniversary of my father passing away after a few years of slow decline due to Parkinsons Disease. Also, two years ago a young man in his early twenties who Gloria and I had watched grow up died unexpectedly. And most recent of all, Gloria nearly died during March last year. Giving up work for a few months to look after Gloria lead to sporadic postings on MyOpera from myself and I have only this year returned to full MyOpera duties. :up: …

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Bring me the strongest thing you’ve got…on second thoughts I’ll have a Black Russian

Some of you will recognise my reference to The Naked Gun 2Β½. This reference along with the photo to the left of this paragraph was the content of my multi-media text message that I sent to a few friends a few weeks ago. This was when the UK ground to a halt because of some snow and I went home from work early (my estate covered in snow photo below). In the drinks cabinet were two recently opened bottles – one of them being Tia Maria and the other being Vodka. Well, the Black Russians flooded past my throat. …

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At last…a bit of fun!

What a lousy year it's been until now (and I don't mean that it is a year that has been full of lice!). If you aren't sure what I mean about 2012 being bad dans chez Scriven up until now consult all of my blog posts from this year – especially those posted March and onwards.

Anyway, this week finally saw Gloria and I have a bit of fun. The kitchen was eventually finished on Thursday and we celebrated by cleaning the house down and putting everything back in its space. :hat: And after several years the kitchen is now well organised and the same size room has enough cupboard room to put things away which leaves plenty of workspace to use when cooking (or burning in my case – again see previous posts). They really did throw these houses up without much planning when they first built them. How much did they pay the architect? :doh: …

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Okay, it is still a little early…

As of today…I'm not quite 40. Not my birthday – yet! But as we are less than 24 hours away this detail will not prevent me making a blog posting to MyOpera. πŸ˜‰

There are a couple of famous people who are also 40 years old on the same day as me. I'm not much of a fan of one of them – Marlon Wayans – but I would like to spend a moment talking about the other one, the former West Indies cricket captain Floyd Reifer. Apart from being born on the exact same day we have little in common. I have never captained the Windies and he is not living on one of the largest three social housing estates in Europe. Perhaps, like me, his father was in a pulpit about six miles away preaching while he was being born in his parents' bedroom but I doubt I will ever find that one out for sure. Regrettably for him, he won't be sharing my 40th birthday cake as shown off in the accompanying pictures. I also doubt that he has opened his birthday cards early to find any money inside. …

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I can’t find nothing in this house…

Before you ask, no! Gloria has not been tidying up again. How is it that when your partner performs a tidy you can never find anything ever again? Even Gloria doesn't know where she has put things. Remember people, an untidy desk is efficient as research has shown that you will have organised the untidy desk in much the same way as your mind.

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